Thursday, October 04, 2007

Catatan (28): Click of The Week

Penilaian Maverick Indonesia

PERISTIWA sudah lama terjadi, 14 Agustus lalu. Saat itu saya diberitahu teman-teman bahwa blog Beranda t4 Berbagi menjadi Click of The week versi Maverick Indonesia. Meski terlambat, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas penilaian tersebut. Setidak-tidaknya ada juga yang mengklik blog yang saya maksudkan sebagai tempat belajar menulis bersama ini.

Di bawah ini saya kutipkan kembali "penobatan" Maverick Indonesia yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris:

Click of The Week: Pepih Nugraha

Where can you learn to write? Well, if you aspire to write in Indonesian check out Pepih Nugraha’s Beranda t4 Berbagi (Verandah for Sharing). Pepih, who’s a senior journalist at Kompas, describe’s his blog as a “place for everyone who wants to learn about writing, especially if you work for the print-media.

His first lesson in writing is where to get the ideas for writing an article. Some people, he says, think that you have to go somewhere, to the beach or up a mountain, to be inspired. That’s a luxury for writers of fiction but not for journalists who have to write to deadlines. Story ideas, he says, are in fact everywhere in our daily lives - from our chats with other people, attending seminars or discussions or even when we’re window shopping in the mall.

His blog has interesting accounts of his daily life as a journalist, including interviews with the famous to traveling overseas on assignment.

Pepih is also an active member of Indonesia’s blogosphere. After starting his own blog in February 2006, Pepih joined Blogfam and contributes iarticles for its online Blogfam Magazine. You can check out his writing for the on-line magazine here. He also contributes articles to mediacare, a discussion group on the Indonesian media.

Keep on blogging Pepih.

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